If you’ve read our post on how to become a professional organizer, you know you’re going to need a website, but where do you even begin? With a list, of course. As a service provider, you need a clear website that will draw clients in, allow them to stay, and encourage them to hire you. Here is our list of must haves for a professional organizer’s website.

7 must haves for every professional organizer's website

What should be included on an organizer’s website?

Here’s our list of essential information for a professional organizer’s website.

1. Your Name

Sounds basic, right? But sometimes the basics get forgotten. Actually, a lot of times the basics get forgotten. We often scroll around checking out the websites of other professional organizers (what? that’s totally normal) and it’s incredible how hard it sometimes is to find out a person’s NAME!

Always include your name on your business website

Here’s the thing. Clients need to trust you to enter their home and touch their things. They need to know your name. Include it on your home page.

You can take this a step further and include an “about” page to share more about yourself.

2. Your Location and/or Service Area

Again, sounds basic, but it’s so important it had to be said, especially if you’re offering in-home services to clients. You can share your location if it’s a large area, or share areas you service if that’s important to your business. It really depends on how rural or urban you are, as well as how far you’re willing to travel.

A professional organizer's website should always include their service area.

3. Services You Offer

If you’re a professional organizer, you probably offer some sort of organizing service, but these services can vary. Obvious options are in-home organizing and virtual organizing, but it’s also important to mention other services you may offer, such as personal shopping, design services, time management, business organization, space planning, or coaching.

4. How Your Services Work

Odds are, most of your potential clients have never worked with a professional organizer before. They may not know exactly how the process works from start to finish. Lay everything out on your website so they can do their research before contacting you. This will save you time during your consultation and will help encourage serious inquiries.

5. Contact Information

Back to basics — you need to include a way for clients to contact you. You could (and should) include an email address and phone number in case clients want to be direct, but it can also be nice to have a form clients quickly fill out. That puts the onus on you and shows clients you’re serious.

Don't forget to include your contact information on your webiste

6. Optional: Your Prices

Whether you put your prices on your website is a personal decision. Many organizers decide to include them, many organizers do not. Putting your prices up helps clients see how much your service will cost upfront — which saves you time later when they ask for a consultation only to find out your prices are out of their budget.

Adding prices to your website is easier to do when you have a regular hourly rate. If you price your services by the job, be sure to mention this so potential clients know to expect when they contact you. You can also include a range instead of concrete numbers.

7. Optional: A Blog

Adding a blog to your website isn’t necessary, but if you like to write and want to put out content that lasts years instead of disappearing into the constant flow of social media posts, a blog is a good option. It can also show your clients that you know your stuff and can easily handle their space.

Check Out Melissa’s Life with Less Mess Blog here.

Check out Krystee’s Sparx Organizing Blog here.

A professional organizer's website can also include a blog

Professional Organizer’s Website Samples

Want to see all these components in action? Links to Melissa and Krystee’s professional organizing websites are below. Can you locate all 7 must haves on each of their sites?

Peruse and get inspired — but please don’t copy and paste. Google doesn’t like that and neither do these small business owners!

Krystee’s Sparx Organizing Website

Melissa’s Life with Less Mess Website

don't let creating a website intimidate you. you got this!

Your Website

Here at Organizers Connect, we KNOW there’s a lot more that goes into creating your website — your brand colors, logo, images, and even font selection — but here we’ve covered our top website must-haves. The thought of building a website from scratch can intimidate, but knowing where to start and what information to include is helpful. Use this list as a guide to build your website and it will come together!

Want more? Grab our Organizers Connect Ebook!

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